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Plugins Outlook & Lotus

MS Outlook Plugin [Download]
Price: FREE
Size: 146 KB
Format: zip-file
for Version 2.1.5.x and above
Extract the file by using windows explorer or programs such as Winzip, Freecommander or speedcommander.

MS Outlook® is a registered trademark by Mircrosoft Corporation

Lotus Notes Plugin [Download]
Price: FREE
Size: 554 KB
Format: zip-file
for Version 2.1.5.x and above
Extract the file by using windows explorer or programs such as Winzip, Freecommander or speedcommander.

Lotus Notes® is a registered trademark by IBM Corporation

Only for Professional Edition

Import e-mails or parts of e-mails, including attached documents, directly to IDEA!®. You decide whether you want to copy parts of an e-mail or just the attachments to an existing database record or whether you want to automatically create a new record based on your e-mail.

Send e-mails directly from IDEA® via the mailing system, including all attached documents. You can organize data from your IDEA!® in a flexible manner and then comfortably send it from IDEA!® right away. It is not required to open the mail system first.

Integration von MS Outlook

Integration with MS Outlook - all functions from Outlouk 2000 (and above) - allow you to incorporate all Outlook elements into IDEA!® in a very easy way. Using drag & drop you can link:

as an attachment and start from IDEA!®. Even creating Outlook elements from IDEA!® is possible, e.g Contact, e-mails, appointments is possible. More information is available in the [manual].